Development Stream (DS) is a subset of the House League Program, not another level of hockey, offering a tryout-based, enhanced opportunity for House League players who are:
DS teams may be formed in U11, U13, U15 and U18 divisions and from the SDGHA House League. All players must be registered within the House League in the same division in the SDGHA.
DS tryouts will begin later this fall and registration will take place on or after December 1st. Games may be played once the registration is complete.
Teams may only play 17 players in a game but may roster up to and including 25 players. Pick up players are not permitted for a DS team.
ONLY U11, U13, U15, and U18 DS teams may participate in DS divisions of sanctioned tournaments. DS teams are permitted to play a maximum of 8 exhibition games against other DS teams and attend a maximum of 3 DS tournaments each season.
DS teams are not permitted to play in a league.
Players playing on a DS team may also fully participate on their house league team and in house league tournaments.